Stefanie & Simone
We met two years ago at a Robert Monroe seminar and knew immediately that we had found each other on a soul level. We have similar questions in common, such as observing energetic effects and researching the background to them. We are thirsty for knowledge, medial and optimizers. We set ourselves no limits when it comes to spiritual development.
In addition, we both have the professional background of technical studies in engineering and the associated approach of looking at spiritual experiences in a scientific way. We had profound spiritual experiences during courses at Arthur Findlay College, German Institute for Clinical Hypnosis, Gerhard Klügl Aura Surgery and in connection with the Robert Monroe Institute. We had independent experiences as spiritual healers, aurasurgeons, mediums, in hypnosis, regression, trance healing and much more, which were repeatable and verifiable. Spiritual healings, conversations with the afterlife or the higher self etc. had become verifiable.
But what is behind all these methods and their beneficial results? This question drove us forward. And since we didn't set ourselves any limits, we kept asking. Does energetic work really have to be learned at great expense? Can't there be one method that achieves many energetic goals at once? And can this be possible for everyone for their highest good?
With these questions in mind, we used our abilities in the field of mediumship and also made out-of-body journeys into other dimensions and spaces. During these experiences, we realized that knowledge of energetic spaces is the key to answering our questions. We consciously experienced for ourselves that energetic spaces and their rules influence our lives.
This was the essential realization on the way to our goal of making spiritual healing and further development with infinite possibilities easy to implement for everyone.
At this point, we met the Syomen on our consciousness journeys and together we created SYOMA.
In this ongoing process, possibilities arise that surpass even our imagination ...